X-FACTOR No. 228, by Peter David (writer), Leonard Kirk (artist), Matt Milla (colorist), Cory Petit (letterer). Marvel Comics: February 2012. Page 18, Panels 5 & 6, and Page 19.
So here's a fun use of Latin that was pointed out a couple years back in one of my favorite comics review columns, Greg Burgas' What I Bought.
The villain Bloodbath (terrible name, we all agree) has possessed the corpse of one of Multiple Man's duplicates (superhero problems, am I right?), so Layla Miller exorcises the demon from the dead dupe using the following bit of Latin:
I highlighted the few words where the Layla's prayer deviates from the Latin text of the "Exorcism against Satan and apostate angels" issued by Pope Leo XIII which follows:
Exorcizamus te, omnis immunde spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini nostri Iesu Christi . . . ut ab omni infernalium spirituum potestate, laqueo, deceptione et nequitia nos potenter liberare, et incolumes custodire digneris. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
The original Latin exorcism would begin with a recitation of some Psalms and a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, and there's over a page of text missing in the ellipsis (. . .), plus a few more psalms, a Glory Be, some liturgical responses, and a whole bunch of signs of the Cross, but the exorcism portion itself is legit, not something I would expect to see in a comic book.
So let me go through the few bold-faced differences right quick: we'll see what happens to Latin when not properly edited, but we'll also see how Peter David adapts it to suit his story.
I'll start with U TAB. Unfortunately, Mr. Petit seems to be at fault on this one, the space was simply placed between the wrong letters in UT AB. It's amazing what a difference a little bit of letter separation gets you - this one probably would have thrown me a bit were I not used to reading Latin in medieval manuscripts where cramped writing and awkward word separation is the name is of the game, particularly in pre-Carolingian and Gothic scripts.
INCURSIA, and LAQUO are both simple typos. These should read INCURSIO, and LAQUEO. Both typos, however, look like actual Latin words and even seem to be in the correct grammatical case for their use, so no biggies there. It's unclear whether these were mistakes made by Mr. Petit, Mr. David, or Mr. David's source text.
IMMUNDUS, however, I believe is an error that already existed in whatever source Peter David based Layla's exorcism on. Here the word is simply in the wrong case, the nominative, as opposed to the vocative case IMMUNDE, which would be used for direct address, as the exorcist is speaking directly to the "unclean spirit". There was originally an OMNIS before the word IMMUNDE too, but that's a pretty slight omission. The incorrect reading IMMUNDUS is in fact found all over the internets, primarily due to the use of this exorcism rite in the TV show Supernatural. Typos seem to thrive in online versions of the text, even in documents that appear quite official. It took me some time to track down the clean, papally issued script I linked to above.
The really great, comic-book-y parts of Layla's exorcism though are the two intentional changes made by David in the invocation. Instead of casting out Bloodbath "in the name and virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ" (in nomine et virtute Domini nostri Iesu Christi), she casts him out "in the name [of] von Doom" (in nomine von Fatum). Long-time readers could recognize this as a pay-off from the time Layla spent in Latveria as an advisor to Doctor Doom before issue 200 of X-Factor.
The altered construction may put some Latin pedants in a bit of a tizzy: the word von is a German preposition, not a Latin one. So one might ask, "Why isn't Doom's name declined like any proper Latin noun?" Maybe David should have written in nomine Doctoris Fati, i.e. "in the name of Doctor Doom", or perhaps in nomine Victoris de Fato "in the name of Victor von Doom" (the Latin preposition de is usually used to render the German von). Even if the von is used, why not at least decline fatum? The German preposition takes the dative case (yes, German nouns decline, too), so wouldn't Von Fato be better? I have no clue how good Peter David's Latin is, but those changes would require a greater command of morphology than many of my Level I students.
I personally think Von Fatum works swell. The von signals to any reader of the Latin that something is clearly amiss, and the inclusion of the non-Latin word makes the whole alteration stand out more clearly. But what von really does is help out someone who is not completely fluent in Latin, but still has a passing knowledge of the language, i.e. the real audience for this easter egg. Von can call to mind only one nomen in the Marvel Universe, Victor Von Doom, and, when you look up fatum in your Latin dictionary, you can confirm this guess. It's quite a nice little puzzle.
The second iteration of the Von Fatum invocation is not quite as defensible, in my opinion. Instead of ending the exorcism "through Christ our Lord" (per Christum Dominum nostrum), Layla says, "through Von Doom our Doctor" (per von Fatum medicum nostrum). The problem here is that, as far as I know, Doom never received an M.D., so he should probably be called doctorem nostrum instead of medicum nostrum, since he was working in the sciences towards a Ph.D. back when Ben Grimm caused Doom's face-altering accident. It's, of course, a running joke in the comics that Doom never actually received his degree, but doctorem would still seem more correct than medicum.
Overall, I think Peter David used Latin quite smartly in this issue of X-Factor. Basing the Latverian exorcism rite on the actual Rituale Romanum allowed for an easy exploitation of the text for comic purposes. I really hope I find more passages that use Latin in equally playful ways as I make my way through my longboxes. It's even enough to make me forgive this terrible Greek/Indo-European etymology pun:
ALL-NEW X-FACTOR No. 5, by Peter David (writer), Carmine Di Giandomenico (artist), Lee Loughridge (colorist), Cory Petit (letterer). Marvel Comics: June 2014. Page 3, Panels 3 & 4.
And, finally, for those who can't read the Latin of the exorcism above, here's an English translation of Layla's Rituale Latueriense, modified from the Exorcismale published by Laudate Dominum Liturgical Editions:
"We cast thee out, every unclean spirit, every devilish power, every assault of the infernal adversary, every legion, every diabolical group and sect, by the name of Von Doom . . . that Thou wouldst graciously vouchsafe to deliver us by Thy might from every power of the accursed spirits, from their bondage and from their deception, and to keep us from all harm. Through Von Doom our Doctor!"
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